iPeaceTV Divine Principle Lecture Series

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Lecture 1 : [General Introduction] The Mission of the New Truth

I’m Tyler Hendricks, and I’d like to share with you some ideas from the Divine Principle. We look at this as a new expression of truth. Truth is unchanging, but how we express it changes. Truth has a mission, to bring happiness.

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Lecture 2: [Principles of Creation 1] Solving the Fundamental Problems of Life

Human beings have tried to solve the fundamental problems of life and the universe, but without success.
That was because no one knew the principles by which we and all things were created, nor the origin of the existing world. No one has really known God.
So that’s what we will talk about: the origin of the existing world, God as the First Cause, and the nature of God.
How can we know about something that is intangible?

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Lecture 3 : [The Principle of Creation 2] A Way of Life Based on God’s Existence

How can an invisible God exist? Is God just “there” forever, by magic? Or is there some action that explains the presence and power of this invisible God? If there is, wouldn’t that give us insight into the way the world works, and how we can live in balance with it?
We will look at this in this presentation—a way of life based on God’s existence.
Moses is revered as the great teacher of Israel. After Moses fled the Pharaoh's palace in Egypt, he was living in the land of Midian. One day, as a shepherd at the foot of Mt. Sinai, an angel of the Lord called to him through a burning bush.

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Lecture 4 : [The Principle of Creation 3] The Purpose of Creation and Roadmap of Life

In this world nothing exists without a purpose. All things are created beings, and their creator has a purpose for creating them. The creator’s purpose becomes the purpose of the created entity.
Thus our purpose as human beings is also determined by the Creator God’s purpose for creating us. We will study our purpose—why we are here—in light of God’s purposes.

Andrew Compton: Let's Study Divine Principle

D6 Productions

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Word for Word - Introduction to the Divine Principle

"The Divine Principle is an amazing truth that needs to be shared. But often when we given Divine Principle lectures, we add our own content to it to spice it up, and as a result, we taint the original meaning. This series is meant to share the truth as it is, word for word. Although each video is around 30 minutes long, it is surprisingly easy to listen to, and the pictures and music aid in the comprehension of the words. If you are interested in the Divine Principle, this is a good place to start."